about me

my name is kitty. that's not my real name obviously but it's the one i use online.

my body is 17 years old but i typically feel no older than 13.

i use it/she pronouns. i slightly prefer it over she. i am not a "they/them" and if u refer to me as such i'm gonna kick ur teeth in. i'm intersex (i have hyperandrogenism) and a proud clocky cis girl

i'm a combination of a catgirl, angel, doll, android, deergirl, and snailgirl. and i'm a princess too. ...and autistic, if it wasn't obvious. i'm psychotic so if i say anything ridiculous that's why. i have bpd and adhd with strong rejection sensitive dysphoria so i'm prone to freaking the hell out a lot. all my issues make it kinda hard for me to initiate 1:1 convos but if u wanna talk to me, my dms are always open. i struggle with articulation sometimes but i'm generally decent at conversing

my general interests include drawing, reading, animals, aircraft, cars, guns, knives, military stuff, and fishing. i only rly like reading if it's gay shit lol. no i don't condone the military. unfortunately i don't get to go fishing much. i wanna go hiking more but my hips and back hurt a lot. i also wanna try hunting someday. i can't smoke cause i promised several girls i wouldn't, but i think cigarettes are cool.

music-wise i like: negative xp, pigeon pit, gezebelle gaburgably, cyborg9k, not the proper attire, greens on toast, fried by fluoride, black dresses, solid brock, death grips, weezer, firstwife, machine girl, 100 gecs, sugar ray, green day, mcr, 55gore, insect warfare, and various obscure shit i find on bandcamp. i like literally anything and am always looking for song recs !

i don't watch a whole lot of movies but i liked the matrix, zero day, welcome to the doll house, and forrest gump. i don't watch many shows either but i like breaking bad and house md :3

i'm a lesbian and a christian (do not argue with me about this) and an anarchist. i'm really interested in the southern us and i love realtree. i didn't know where to put that so i'm putting it here

my wife.