my grandma noticed the hair on my chin. she said she's gonna take me to get it waxed when my cousin gets her eyebrows done. if she does i'm gonna freak the hell out and get us all banned from the premises, don't fucking try me.

when i said i didn't care she said i should. she said something about hygiene and how shaving my legs has to do with that. bro what. that shit only matters if you're preparing food so you don't get people sick and god knows i don't cook. aside from that it's just "you're existing in a way i don't like and i'm gonna tell you how to change it"

she told me something about people thinking i look like a boy. is the world going to end if i'm kinda clocky ? no ! in fact i think it's one of the greatest things i can ever do as a cis girl. i'm not a girl BECAUSE society says i am, i'm a girl in SPITE of that. i'm not going to conform to what society thinks i should do as a girl. i know i'm a girl. i'm a girl bc i say i am and that's all that matters.

i said "maybe i'm like this cause god made me this way" but she told me "no that's not how it works, it's a hormone thing." well maybe god made me have a hormone thing on purpose. i asked her "are you saying god makes mistakes ?" but she didn't say anything meaningful and just repeated herself. i just pointed out a hole in her logic and said something she didn't know how to refute. so basically i win