a catgirl who lives in tallahassee, florida with blondie. like blondie, she likes to listen to local artists. smells like the cinnamon pine cones they sell around christmas time. has never had a job in her life, she just hangs out with blondie all day.
she lived with her parents in dallas, texas but they were incredibly controlling of her so one day she ran away to tallahassee. she just wandered around until blondie noticed her phone wallpaper (something blondie drew) and was like "yo nice wallpaper." after learning about tabby's situation, blondie offered to take her in. tabby is very nervous a lot of the time but calms down in blondie's presence. she has a huge crush on blondie, it's unknown if blondie knows. once the two of them smoked weed and tabby was like "holy shit i love you so much you're my entire life" but blondie just thought she was saying that cause she was high. and then tabby threw up all over blondie's bed. turns out weed makes her puke.
knows about blondie's "uwu heckin doggo" phase. thinks it's cute.